A very close and hilarious friend of Results Inconclusive has graced us with some of his thoughts on the sports world and the world in general. Check it out
Tuesday Morning Scatterbrain
Let me preface by saying I hate Rafael Nadal, I hate hearing he is from some
island off the coast of Spain, I hate that his tennis gear looks like something
you’ll find in a Gay Pride Parade, I hate that he goes by the nickname Rafa.
No one took more joy in his loss Saturday morning to Robin Soderling then
myself, however what he did afterward earned a lot of my respect. In a sport
where excuses are commonplace and hissy fits are just part of the theatrics,
Nadal told the media after the match that he had played his best and Soderling had just defeated him. Nadal being a four time French Open champion could have thrown any excuse out there and had every right to, instead he took the high road. Maybe Sid the Kid with his post game nudge of Kirk Maltby, and LeBron with his non-handshake should take a note from the Spaniard.
I am not condoning the Sidney Swipe after Game 1 of the Stanley Cup Finals on Saturday night, but if anyone is calling that love tap a slash you obviously
watch less hockey than Michael Wilbon.
Read a great book this weekend that hockey fans (there are a few of us left,
right?) should check out by Dave King called the King of Russia. It follows
the exploits of King as the first Canadian Coach of a Russian Super League team a year after the NHL lockout.
While I was picking the King book up at Barnes and Noble I also saw Charlie
Weis’ book No Excuses in the bargain bin for $4.99. I still think that’s

Stumbled upon
this bit of hilariousness. The Bengals are a joke.
Watching MLB Network, I find myself reintroduced to great players and great
games I had forgotten about through the rebroadcasts. One in particular is Mr.
Class himself, Jim Eisenreich, during a 1993 Phillies game. It got me thinking
that Jason Bay is the new and improved Eisenreich; classy guy, professional at
bats, doesn’t blow you away with one thing in his game but is just completely
solid all around. And if you don’t know who Eisenreich is look him up you will
be a better person for it.
Back to Hockey, when was the last time the Red Wings were outshot in back to
back playoff games at home? Mark my words the Penguins are still alive in this
series and have carried play for long stretches, sometimes the pucks just don’t
roll your way.
Ever see a fat lady cause a scene at the public library by arguing with an 80
year old library attendant over a 40 cent fine? I did. The worst part was
that she was drinking some goofy $7.00 Starbucks drink, which has to be some
type of violation.
And I know I couldn’t get through the whole article without an NBA thought. We are graced with the presence of Kobe Bryant and Dwight Howard in
the NBA Finals Thursday night. I can’t help but think back to when Phil
Jackson said he would choose Howard to start a franchise with, and how
nonsensical I thought that was. Well Phil I hate you as a coach and even more
as a yoga instructor, but I can admit I was wrong, and Superman as your number one pick may not be that far off.
And in the immortal words of James Rome…..I am out.