Everyone just needs to realize that they aren't as good as Lebron. No one will every be as important or mean as much to an organization as Lebron means to the NBA. He's an angel on earth and everyone should worship him.
Ok, really the stunt he pulled this weekend really pissed me off. Not only did he blow off the Magic and not shake their hands or congratulate them but, he blew off a mandatory press conference. The same media that puts him on every commercial known to man making him gazillions of dollars in endorsements. He should have had a separate press conference after his mandatory one just to thank them for making him so popular.
If he would have won that game 6 then he would have been in the press room saying how good of a team the Magic are and how hard they played, but because they lost none of this is true? Then, when he had an oppurtunity to apologize for his absence he blew it off and gave some B.S. excuse on how he loves winning and thats all that matters. Prince James really made a bad example. He should not be the face of the NBA.
tripper very mad
ReplyDeleteThis response to Lebron's snub is fair, but to me, a guy who at times questions Lebron's fieriness or competitiveness, I sorta liked the snub. and I like the response that it's like being beaten up, and when someone beats you up, you don't congratulate them for beating you up. That does make sense. Now, if Lebron is indeed as fiery and competitive as this makes him seem...how come he took all of game 6 off and didn't even try? hmm.
ReplyDeleteI kinda liked it, it wasn't good sportsmanship by any means, but I like how it may create a spark of a rivalry. I'm not a fan of all this nice nice between stars and teams in the NBA, where everyone is just buddies. Personally, I like it when teams and stars, flat out don't like eachother. Well Howard and the Magic don't like LeBron and Cavs now and the feeling is mutual. You know what that may make for some great basketball in years to come.