Props for rocking the Expos gear (great hats) and working Youppi into the mix.
2.) As Jack Edwards would say "How's this for irony".
and here is the corresponding article from CSNNE.
3.) One level headed Wings fan is more than I thought existed.
For the full Red Wings tin-foil hat party breakdown roll on over to Puck Daddy. As a Sharks fan noted in the comments section, "Oh boy, here we go. Bring on the short bus and unload all the excuses now, boys."

Never good to be referenced in an Eminem song, Big Ben. (I know it's not hockey, forgive me.)
5. I fully endorse this slogan, living currently in the city of brotherly love:

6.) If this is a temper tantrum what do you call this:
Someone told Tuuka that Wookies don't exist and the Millenium Falcon is a junker.

7.) I guess you deserve a photo shop expo when you share company with Mario Lemieux:
8. ) At least he didn't throw up on someone, isn't that the new standard in Philly (again not hockey but always nice to poke fun at William Penn's home town).
9.) Yea this trade will happen:
10.) Can anyone take an article seriously that spells Canadiens, "Canadians":

11.) Imagine if a full bottle of Crown Royal had been thrown on a 17-year old kid in Philly, I think ESPN may have exploded. (Thanks to Mark Trible for this one)
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