Friday, October 9, 2009

Amusing Tweet Tweets

With the Twittersphere taking over the Northern hemisphere I finally caved in and joined the group. While looking around people I wanted to follow I looked to see if Dan Snyder, Jim Zorn, or even Vinny "glasseye" Cerrato had a twitter. I was of course unsuccessful in my search but found 3 accounts that are much more enjoyable. Here they are:

Vinny Cerrato
Dan Snyder
Jim Zorn

Enjoy them and here are some of my favorite tweets.

Umm @FakeJimZorn, we're gnna need to go ahd and mv u dwnstrs into storage B. Have some new ppl cmng in, and we need all the space we can get

Who is this Champ Bailey? Ya think I can trade for him? Rt @SI_PeterKing ...Champ Bailey ... And you'd win a lot of games. He's excellent.

Just hope my boss doesn't think I need a "fresh set of eyes" to help look over the 2010 draft... Gotta go get Danny's latte, see ya l8r!

Well off to eat lunch. @FakeVCerrato @FakeJimZorn have been in the kitchen all morning so I hoped they whipped me up something good to eat.

J. Zorn's Q: What do you do in your free time when you are not hassling your staff? A: I love this website

I heard from a reliable source that when twitter was down today that Cerrato and Zorn took naps. I'm not sure though because I was napping.

Vinny, @FakeDanSnyder and I make a great Entourage. Then again, that show is coming to an end.

If things don't work out in Minnesota, I'm sure @FakeDanSnyder will hook him up with a big contract.

@BoycottSnyder That's my boss you're talking about.

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