May 22, 2009. LeBron James hit the shot to keep the Cavs in the Eastern Conference Finals.
Names for the shot are still trying to be thought up. Contestants are “the defibrillator,” “the shot heard ‘round the world” (boo), and as LeBron put it “the greatest shot I have ever made.” My personal favorite was offered up by ESPNs Jay Harris. “An L-Bomb. From L-Bron.”
No matter which name you prefer, the fact is that there was one thing and one thing only LeBron was out to prove when he released from 30 feet away with just one second on the clock: he is better than Hedo Turkoglu.
And finally LeBron did prove that. I know some of you may not be ready to take the step, but let’s face it people, LeBron has surpassed Hedo in all facets of the game.
Turkey scored 21 on 9-17 from the field. Pretty good numbers that have been good enough for most to say that he is better than LeBron. Until Game 2 when LeBron tallied 35 points.
Hedo hit a shot that looked like it won the game for the Magic leaving just one second left on the clock. The Cleveland crowd went silent. The Magic bench went crazy. Until LeBron hit “the shot.”
The greatest reason that the shot put to rest all “Hedo or LeBron” arguments is because LeBron made it over Hedo. Not Rashard Lewis, Courtney Lee, Skip to My Lou, or JJ Redick, but the man so many have said is better than him, Hedo Turkoglu.
Turkey made his shot over Sasha Pavlovic… yawn. Sasha, at 6’8” is shorter than the 6’11” Hedo. Lebron gives up three solid inches to the man who had a hand in his face when he shot. Hedo gets three.
It’s time we can finally put to rest the argument. LeBron is better than Hedo. Now, are the Magic better than the Cavs?
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