Monday, May 25, 2009

Hey! My head got in the way of your elbow!

As the Cavs/Magic series suddenly becomes more and more compelling, finally we have some blood. It spilled out of Mo Williams' face last night and guess what? The Cavaliers whined about it. Notorious whiner Stan Van got to sit back and watch his craft being perfected by the team that he has suddenly thrown into a bit of adversity. The Cavs cruised through the first two rounds and obviously, whatever hard fouls they encountered were minor details. They were winning, and winning big. Now things aren't so fun and fancy-free. Mo Williams' post game comments reflected a sore loser with a sore face and a huge basket of sour grapes. "Most definitely", Mo Williams replied when he thought it was a dirty play. Really, Mo? Seeing as how he was injured, I can let that slide. But when Mo goes onto say, "I couldn't care less about Anthony Johnson -- he plays 12 minutes a game. I couldn't care less." Now we have a problem. You never take potshots at another man's livelihood. Especially not a man who just made you look like a blubbering baby on national television.

Lebron is what Lebron is, he can say and do whatever he wants and that's just fine. He takes his hard fouls like a man, the right way. Mo Williams was a nobody before this year and it's looking like in about a week he will be just another professional athlete on a golf course. And guess what? Anthony Johnson may be playing for a ring! How great would that be?

Besides the fact that I believe that flagrant was ridiculous (Johnson just attempted to get his shot off, something that happens routinely after a foul in the continuation league), I find Mo Williams' reactions were less than warranted. The funniest part is that Johnson got in the Cavs heads, and he only plays 12 minutes a game.

Guess he made the best of those 12 minutes.

More than we can say for Mo.

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